Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two way voice, much better than a regular security system

Let me explain you how 2 way voice works. The technician installs a speaker and microphone on the center of your home, if the alarm goes off the siren starts sounding and the speaker and microphone start working. The monitoring station listens to any weird noice of a burglar forcing you to turn off the alarm, if this happens they will send the police inmediatelly. If they don't hear anything weird they will talk though the microphone and ask you if everything is ok, and ask you for your password. This speaker and microphone is so powerfull that you can communicate from anywhere in the house, and only activates if the alarm goes of so you have complete privacy all the time. This is great also for older people with medical problems, if they push the button in the medical pendant the repretentative from the monitoring station will talk to them and ask if everything is alright, even if they dont answer they send medical help because it can be that the customer had a heart attack. You can find out more in

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